Leadership Team

Mrs A Bewsher

Mrs A Bewsher

Headteacher, Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Turpin

Mrs Turpin

Deputy Safeguarding Lead, SENDCo

Jill Johnston

Jill Johnston

Early Years Lead

Mrs Barcock

Mrs Barcock

Behaviour lead

Teaching Staff

Mrs Johnston

Mrs Johnston

Early Years Lead (Nursery - Binsey & Reception - Catbells)

Mrs Turpin

Mrs Turpin

Year 1/2 - Haystacks

Miss Tweddle

Miss Tweddle

Year 3 - Barrow

Mrs Taylor

Mrs Taylor

Year 4 - Dodd

Miss Lightfoot

Miss Lightfoot

Year 5 - Blencathra

Mrs Barcock

Mrs Barcock

Year 6 - Skiddaw

Teaching Assistants

Mrs Davies

Mrs Davies


Mrs Eland

Mrs Eland


Mrs Greenbank

Mrs Greenbank


Mrs Cockton

Mrs Cockton


Mr Ward

Mr Ward


Miss Vevers

Miss Vevers


Mrs Black

Mrs Black

Early Years Apprentice


Mrs Bryden

Mrs Bryden


Lunchtime Staff

Mrs Hewitson

Mrs Hewitson

Mrs Ashbridge

Mrs Ashbridge

Mrs Farley

Mrs Farley

Mrs King

Mrs King

Miss Vevers

Miss Vevers

Mrs Barnes

Mrs Barnes

Part Time

Mrs Fowler

Mrs Scott

Out Of School Club Leaders

Mr Ward

Mr Ward

Mrs Cockton

Mrs Cockton


Site Management Team 

Mr Hewitson

Mr Hewitson

Mr Harker



Mrs Wells

Mrs Wells


I started my career in banking. I joined a local Motorship dealer where I became the management accountant. As the company grew I moved to manage a parts department taking it from start up to two million pounds turnover. I was then head hunted by Audi UK where I was a Development Consultant in Scotland and Northern Ireland. This entailed recruitment, development and training for all of the dealerships whilst managing a team of seven other consultants across the country. I initially became involved volunteering for Forest School as I have two grandsons in school. I have had a steep learning curve since becoming a governor in November 2019 and Chair of Governors in June 2021. My current role entails Leadership and Management.


Mrs Woodcock

Mrs Woodcock

Vice Chair

We have lived in the village for almost 20 years, and I have been a Governor at Broughton since September 2017. I am currently the Vice Chair of Broughton and the Link Governor for Quality of Education. I have two children; my daughter has just left Broughton school to start secondary school and my son is currently in Year 3. My background is in education, I am a PE teacher currently teaching in a local secondary school. I am part of the senior leadership team with specific responsibility for primary transition and progress and outcomes of disadvantaged students. I enjoy working alongside the headteacher and staff at Broughton School with the collective aim of providing the best educational experience so the children of Broughton can learn, grow and become well rounded young people.


Mrs Jefferson

Mrs Jefferson

I am a qualified teacher. I have worked in Further Education, as a class teacher in a junior school, and as peripatetic teacher of pupils with SEND. Following this I taught in a Pupil Referral Unit and as an advisory teacher in schools. I can claim to have visited most of the schools in West Cumbria over the years! I have post graduate qualifications in SEND, EBD and Autism and following retirement was part-time SENCO in Broughton Primary School. On leaving I became a school governor, with a SEND remit. Two sons and a grandson attended the school.


Mrs Leigh

I retired at the end of March after working in the voluntary and public sector, most recently for Copeland Borough Council as Policy and Performance Officer. I have lived in Great Broughton for almost 34 years and previously served as a governor around 25 years ago when my son, James, attended the school. I’m delighted to be part of the school ‘family’ again. I enjoy walking, gardening and reading and am a church warden at Christ Church Great Broughton.


Mr Smith

Mr Smith

I have been a Governor since September 2024 and my two boys attend the school. I grew up in Broughton and returned to live in the village in 2014. I work locally in the family engineering business where we manufacture machines used in the nuclear, automotive and renewable energy industries. Before this, I was an Urban Designer for a large consultancy working on regeneration projects in towns and cities across the country. I enjoy working with the friendly staff at Broughton School and am pleased to be able to give back to the community where I grew up.


Miss Condron

Miss Condron

I started my role as a Governor in September 2024. I have lived in the village for 8 years and my daughter attends the school. I have worked in education as a teacher for 13 years at a local special needs school, where I am a middle leader as well as the reading lead. I am the Link Governor for Quality of Education as well as SEND. I have a passion for education and working with others to achieve great things for young people. I am thrilled to be working alongside the Headteacher, staff and other Governors of Broughton School to ensure the best outcomes are achieved.
